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I am who I am~Michael Marcel Turcotte


I’m not just a drug-less practitioner, I’m a patient, I'm someone who, as a young man was very sick, fat and nearly dead. My doctor after having treated me for years with drugs and invasive procedures, he once again reviewed my blood work and shocked me when he asked me "Do you want to see 40?" and added, "because you're not going to! Michael, you need to make some changes!" So I did start to make some major changes...the right ones, the healthy ones.


Since 1995 I have been a user, a teacher and a practitioner of nutritional therapies and herbal medicine. In 2003 I also became a therapeutic massage therapist. I'm a science guy. I apply biochemical, science based, systematic thinking to holistic care that empowers my patients to transform their lives. Dedicated to the whole food philosophy of men like

Dr. Royal Lee, Weston Price and other pioneers of health. My goal in life is to help others heal themselves while carrying on this mission. I provide the latest scientific advice on nutrients for my patients and how to apply these remedies that are as close as possible to how they are found in nature.




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